EN_New | 3. Recovery Care

EN_NEW | 3. Recovery Care 

Where healing begins

Only those who know when heal­ing be­gins can pre­pare the way for an op­ti­mal re­sult.. 

, this is a super exciting topic!
In the following modules we will show you how we can optimally support and accompany the affected woman on her recovery path in the first weeks, but also with the more recent diagnosis of lymphedema....

Have fun learning!




No mat­ter how good the re­sult of the op­er­a­tion it­self is:


The scar is what the woman sees.

The re­sult is mea­sured on the scar.


Chapter1: Wound Healing

Here you will find back­ground in­for­ma­tion on the struc­ture of the skin. What func­tions does the skin ful­fil, what is the prob­lem with a dis­rupt­ed skin bar­ri­er and how does the skin ac­tu­al­ly re­pair it­self?

What chal­lenges do scars pose to the body and how does a scar dif­fer from the sur­round­ing tis­sue?

Chap­ter 2: Scar ther­a­py

Is scar equal to scar? What types of scar ther­a­py are there and what prob­lems can they cause? 

Here you will learn how and how long scar tis­sue can be ma­nip­u­lat­ed and what ad­van­tages ear­ly and ad­e­quate scar ther­a­py of­fers.

Chap­ter 3: Re­cov­ery Care by Amoe­na

With CuraS­car Sil­i­cones and CuraS­car Com­pres­sion Gar­ments we have launched two spe­cial prod­uct lines. What are the mech­a­nisms of ac­tion be­hind the in­di­vid­ual ref­er­ences and what ben­e­fits do they of­fer our con­sumers and our re­tail­ers? 

What should be con­sid­ered when mea­sur­ing and what role do com­pres­sion class­es play? 

Chapterl 4: Cu­raLymph

What does breast can­cer have to do with lym­phede­ma? Why is Amoe­na get­ting into this top­ic?

In or­der for you to have a good ba­sis for fu­ture cus­tomer dis­cus­sions as well as the ex­pla­na­tion of our new prod­ucts, we guide you through the med­ical lym­phede­ma ba­sics & the pos­si­bil­i­ties of lym­phede­ma ther­a­py.

These ex­perts share their knowl­edge with you in this mod­ule:

Hel­mut Wild

Glo­bal Head of Pro­duct De­ve­lop­ment Si­li­co­nes

Nina Schrö­ter

Team­lea­der Tech­ni­cal PM

Clau­dia Hor­rer

Team­lead Glo­bal Edu­ca­ti­on 



Wound Healing

3 Lessons




3 Lessons



Recovery Care by Amoena

6 Lessons, 5 Videos




11 Lessons, 7 Videos



CuraLymph (Kopie 18.1.2024 17:37:13)

11 Lessons, 7 Videos




